Canadian Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio canadensis)

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail ( Papilio canadensis )

Male - Luskville, QC 2015/06/04

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail ( Papilio canadensis )

Algonquin Provincial Park, ON 2012/05/19

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail ( Papilio canadensis )

Kirk Cove, ON 2017/06/03

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail ( Papilio canadensis )

Female - Eardley, QC 2011/06/16

Member of Family: Papilionidae

French common name: Papillon tigré du Canada

This is the more northerly of our Tiger Swallowtail species. It ranges through most of Quebec.

For further info on this species, visit the Butterflies of Canada ( en français ) but for more information about recent research on the taxonomy of the Tiger Swallowtail group in Ontario, visit this summary page on the TEA website.